Take up the True Cross

Jesus and the cross

The good of the many outweigh the good of the few, or the one. Spock

Christians are called to sacrifice. Without the Sacrifice of Jesus there is no Christianity. Without sacrifice there is no Christianity.

Jesus sacrificed all for others. Would you do that? Would you die for someone you hated? For a Muslim terrorist? According to most theologies, that is exactly what Jesus did. Well of course Jesus didn’t hate them but he did die for them and he calls you to do the same. 1) To love them and 2) to be willing to die for them.

Jesus calls us to Love our enemies. Democrats, Muslims, homosexuals, the liberal media environmentalists, believers in evolution, or anyone else you disagree with.

Jesus calls us to give out of our abundance. Mark 12:44 but all that is talked in church is make sure you follow the tithing rules. No Jesus wants more.

Jesus tells us to go beyond reasonable. Jesus says when you are made to go one mile, go two. When you are asked to give you robe, give two. When you are asked to bake a cake make two, when you are asked to serve someone you don’t like serve them twice as well. Matthew 5:41

Jesus says that we are to forgive. That means you have to sacrifice your pride and learn that you are no better than anyone else.

Jesus says do not be selfish. Yet most of us have the latest Cell phones several TV’s, the latest fashions, computers, toys etc.. etc… while people are starving, going without medicine and dying when we could be helping them instead of passing them by. In fact we often throw stones at them saying they are lazy, or need to get a job or that they are just faking it or using the system. Excuses we give to say we don’t have to help. Shame on us!!

Jesus says that he came for the sinners, not for the righteous and yet on average 97% of a churches income is spent on the people in the church. We are not here for the people in the church we are here for those outside the church. How did we get this messed up? We are not to be taking care of our buildings for the sake of drawing people in. We are supposed to be out in the world for the sake of drawing them. No cool music program is going to turn people to God but our sacrifice for them will.

Jesus said “Do not judge” and yet we continue to do that. Paul says “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves.” Philippians 2:3 and yet we do. We constantly belittle others to make us better. Look at their sins I don’t do that. That’s kind of what Paul was saying in Romans 1-3 First he lists the sins the church people were complaining about in others, then (chap 2) he lists the sins committed by the church people then in chapter 3 he says “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” In other words, you are no different than someone else just because your sin is different than that of people you don’t like. So shut up because “all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” Romans 3:24

When Jesus says “Take up your cross and follow me” he means your life is over. And it has just begun, because when you truly take up the cross and sacrifice for your fellow man you have truly found Jesus.

In the view of Jesus, The good of the many is better than the good of you.

Church, let’s start on this Easter to be real followers of Christ.

More of the Tea Party Gospel

  • political-cartoons-tea-party

‘These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain;
their teachings are but rules taught by men’.”

Matthew 15:8-9

The following are some verses changed for you so that the Tea Party and Right winged Christian Republicans can here what they are saying with their speech and actions.

  • For I was a homosexual and you would not serve me, I was homeless and you told me to go get a job, I was different and you made racist remarks,  I was disabled and you called me lazy, I was sick and you and you fought against healthcare, I was in prison and you sentenced me to death. I was depressed and you called me sinful. “Then the right will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you as a homosexual, homeless, different, disabled, sick in prison or depressed?’“The King will reply, ‘truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:35-40
  • For the whole Law is fulfilled in one word, in the statement, “You shall love your neighbor if they are a white, straight, republican whose family was born in God’s country (America) unless you are Ted Cruz then we’ll over look that.” Galatians 5:14
  • For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall close your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’ Deuteronomy 15:11
  • Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Devil, and God will repay him for his evil deeds.  Proverbs 19:17
  • For real christians will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. 2 Timothy 3 2-4
  • And he died for some, that those who live might live for themselves but not for Christ who for their sake died and was raised. 2 Corinthians 5:15
  • Do everything from rivalry or conceit, but in false humility count others much less significant than yourselves. Let each of you look only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4
  • Behold, this was the guilt of your sister Sodom: Homosexuality! That’s it. I didn’t like what the actual verses said, so I removed them, when I saw it. Ezekiel 16: 49-50
  • Above all, our rules and laws keep us loving one another earnestly, since laws covers a multitude of sins. 1 Peter 4:8
  • Do not give to the one who begs from you, and refuse the one who would borrow from you. Matthew 5:42

The Tea Party Gospel

A Quick History Lesson about a “Quick History Lesson”


This meme was posted by a friend on Facebook. I really wanted to tell them it was nonsense, but we’ve had so many discussions on how they don’t know or understand history and yet they don’t wake up.  I wonder if it’s even worth discussing it with them anymore. I grew up like them, so I understand what they were trying to say but this meme is nonsense to me.

Some people might look at this and say the republicans are always on the right side. While others will look at it and say the republicans haven’t done a thing in 150 years. The truth of course is some place in between. Neither political party is all good or all bad no matter what you’ve been told. I grew up being taught that the Republican Party was God’s party. What a joke! God isn’t political. Man is. When politicians talk about God, most of the time they just want your vote.

Ok, off my soap box for a minute and back to the meme.

If you understood the political voting in America you might ask why do some areas of the country always vote one way or the other? Why do the one time confederate states now vote heavily republican now and the one time union vote heavily Democrat? When up to the 1950’s it was completely the opposite? What caused the shift? And does it matter. Yes,  At least I believe it does.

If we really understood what the meme said you’d know that some things never change but others do. But it may not be what you think.

In the 1960’s the Democrats held the oval office but the republicans owned congress. There was a battle over civil rights. Not unlike today. In the 1960’s it was the black civil rights movement. Have you ever wondered why since the Republicans freed the slaves and gave the African Americans the right to vote et el why today they vote heavily Democrat?

The Civil rights act of 1964 seemed to change a lot. President LBJ said after its passing that “”I think we’ve just delivered the South to the Republican Party for the rest of my life, and yours.” Why did he think so? The south was still very anti-equal rights and highly democratic. The southerners felt betrayed by their party and flipped sides. The next two elections were landslides for the Republican Party as the country elected Nixon to the Whitehouse. The Republicans controlled the Whitehouse for 20 out of the next 24 years becoming more conservative as they were led by Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson and others who then chased the liberal wing to the democratic party. If it wasn’t for Watergate the Democrats might not have won any of those elections.

In the 1860’s the Republicans were the radical liberals fighting for equality, but not today. That has changed. What hasn’t changed is that the conservatives don’t want that equality. In both cases the conservatives used the Bible to say they were right. Slavery is ok according to the Bible and homosexuality is wrong according to the Bible.

As an ordained pastor in a very conservative denomination I know that people will use the Bible or their religion to support their bigotry. That’s what the Pharisees did and that’s what a lot of the church does today. Some things never change. But there are real followers of Christ that teach love for all. Glad that doesn’t change. Just wish there were more.

So, whether you agree with it or not with the meme it basically says most liberals vote for equality while most conservatives continue to vote for themselves.  It has nothing to do with the political parties.

Vote totals for “Civil Rights act of 1964”

Totals are in “YeaNay

  • The original House version: 290–130   (69–31%).
  • Cloture in the Senate: 71–29   (71–29%).
  • The Senate version: 73–27   (73–27%).
  • The Senate version, as voted on by the House: 289–126   (70–30%).

By party

The original House version:

  • Democratic Party: 152–96   (61–39%)
  • Republican Party: 138–34   (80–20%)

Cloture in the Senate:

  • Democratic Party: 44–23   (66–34%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6   (82–18%)

The Senate version:

  • Democratic Party: 46–21   (69–31%)
  • Republican Party: 27–6   (82–18%)

The Senate version, voted on by the House:

  • Democratic Party: 153–91   (63–37%)
  • Republican Party: 136–35   (80–20%)




Make the New Year Count

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right
Oprah Winfrey

It’s that time again when people make their New Year resolutions.  The most common that I hear are to eat better, exercise more, or quit smoking or drinking.  All of them seem to be about self and not about others.  I think that when we look ahead to this year we should look at making decisions that will have an impact on someone else and if it helps us to then that is a double bonus.

I have a few suggestions that might help us all.

1) Cut down the arguments on Facebook, Twitter and your other social media sites.  Everyone has a right to their opinion don’t be mean to them because it is not yours.  And before you post a meme, check out the facts behind it.  I’ve often found them false and do let people know when a meme is deceiving or an outright lie.  Sometimes that starts a fight.  “Learn to walk away” I tell myself, “Learn to walk away.”  No one is going to change their mind unless they want to, fighting only makes them more defensive and less willing to listen to you.  So learn to walk away.

2) Help someone.  We all know people who are in need.  Do something for them.  Don’t just tell them that you are praying for them. Sure that may lift their spirits, but put your words into action.  Help them with their needs.  If you can’t fill those needs, find someone who can.  But I am betting that you can do it.  You can send a card, you can clean a yard, wash some dishes or baby sit their kids.  Make a difference in their life.  It will be more rewarding than anything you can think of.

3) Don’t look down on people.  To many times I hear people talking bad about that bum on the corner asking for money or the single mom who is struggling to control her kids, or that person that doesn’t keep their house perfectly clean etc.. etc.. I could go on about what people complain about.  It does not help them or you.  You don’t know what a hard life or day that they have had. Instead, try to be sympathetic to them or whatever they are going through.  Each of us reacts different to situations and just because you think would handle it better doesn’t mean that all people do.

4) Volunteer somewhere.  This could be at your local place of worship if it is involved in community outreach that does not involve evangelism, the food bank, homeless shelter, pet shelter, etc… There are lots of good places you can help out instead of spending time on yourself.  Spend it on and for others.

5) Give that $1.  Often a store will ask if you want to donate to a cause when you are buying what you have come to purchase.  Give a $1, it won’t break you and it will help so many people or animals.

6) Make a friend.  Recently I read a story about President Lincoln who received a letter asking for a pardon from someone without the normal letters from influential people.  Mr. Lincoln asked if this person had any friends.  “No sir, not one.” came the reply.  “Then I shall be his friend.” Said Mr. Lincoln.  Be that friend to those who have none.

7) No road rage this year, in fact control your anger wherever you are.  Instead pray for that persons safety that just cut you off and for the safety of those in their path.  Maybe they are rushing to the hospital because their mom just had a heart attack.  Maybe they are rushing to pick up their child who is sick.  We don’t know.  Maybe they are a jerk, but treating them the same does not make your day or their day any better.

8) I’ll leave this one up to you.  There are many other ways you can make this a better year.  Feel welcome to drop an idea here to help someone who may read this page.  Have a Great and Happy New Year!

Jesus, No Stable, Just Love


But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.
 Luke 2:10

Merry Christmas or whatever your holiday is this holiday season.  I hope you have or are having a good one.  I am a Christian but don’t hold to the traditional look at the Christmas story.  I don’t think Jesus was born in a barn or cave, but in a home of Joseph’s relatives.  He did after all go to Bethlehem because he was from there.  The word that Luke uses for inn when we translate “there was no room in the inn” is the same word that is used for the “upper room” at the last supper.  Now I don’t know about you, but I never pictured the last supper in the Holiday Inn banquet hall.  Ok, that’s stretching it a little.  But what makes more sense that Joseph and Mary were visiting relatives and when she was reading to give birth they moved her to a bigger room or they were traveling and about to give birth and some jerk throws them in a stable?  Especially when you think about the importance of hospitality in that region during that time and before.  The Old testament has many verses about taking care of the stranger or traveler so it was important to them to do that.

If you are wondering about the manger,…. Many people kept their animals in the house at night for the extra body heat.  They would keep a small manger filled with food in the home to keep the animals quiet at night.  I wish that worked with my cats.

Do we know about what year he was born?  Absolutely not.  Everyone says 4-6 BCE because they  only read Matthews account talking about Herod the Great.  Yes, He died in 4 BCE so that should make Jesus born before that date.  That would work except that Luke says that Jesus was born while Quirinius who took the position in 6 CE.  That’s 10 years after Herod died.  Hmmmm Can’t exactly make the stories not fit can we.  Yes he was the Legate of Galatia from 5-3 BCE but that isn’t the word that Luke uses.

So we either have to admit that Luke is wrong or our tradition is wrong about the time of the birth.

Now we could sit and debate about whether I’m right or wrong, but that isn’t really what is important.  What is important is what the birth of Jesus represents.  It’s a change.  A big Change that calls to us all.

Throughout the book of Deuteronomy, judges and the books of Samuel and the Kings there is a cycle that is continued to be pointed to that Matthew points to.  the Deuteronomy cycle is basically this.  You are in good standing with God, you commit sins, you are punished and a Messiah (judge, good King) comes and brings you back to good standing.

The Jews at that time would have felt they were in bad standing and Jesus is pointed out as the Messiah.  The one that would lead them back to good standing.  He would lead them into caring about one another and not following some religious laws or tradition that has been made up.  Jesus calls us to love and sacrifice.  He said the greatest command was to Love God and love your neighbor as yourself and then he showed the way by sacrificing himself for this idea.  When he says to take up your cross he is saying you better be willing to die as a revolutionary.  Not necessarily a revolutionary against the government, but against any group or organization that holds to ideas that are hurtful to people.

A true Christian follows in the steps of Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr. and fights for the poor, oppressed, persecuted, underprivileged and victimized.  Just like Jesus fought for women and foreigners we must continue to change the world as he did.  To do that we have to see each other as someone to be loved, no matter what they are liked or what your religion has taught you to think of them.

When it all comes down to what is important, those traditions aren’t important. It’s whether you actually love.  Are you willing to sacrifice it all and make the change?


Turning Misbelief to Relief


 The first step toward change is awareness.  The second step is acceptance.

Nathaniel Branden

Have you ever really believed in something and found out that it wasn’t true? Maybe it was your Santa Clause moment. That time when you discovered Santa really didn’t bring your presents. I never had that moment with Santa. That’s one falsehood I didn’t grow up believing.

I’ve had many of those moments though. The first came in my late teenage years. I had just read a book on how “Christian” America’s founding fathers were. So being a lover of God and history I had to go read their writings and biographies to see their faith in action. I read Jefferson and Franklin and was like “What the hell was that author thinking?” So I said “Well, maybe they weren’t but I bet Washington, Adams, Madison and others were. Nope, Nope, Nope! Now I’m not saying that I found no Christians, but the vast majority of the founding fathers were not conservative orthodox Christians as I had been led to believe.

Still that did not change my belief in Orthodox Christianity and I went on to become a pastor and surprise surprise, college brought a few more, “What??!” moments.

I was taking my Theology 1 class and had to write a paper. I chose to write on the canonization of the Bible. When I was young, I was basically led to believe that these wonderful Christian men got together and in unison chose exactly these books because God led them.   Ummm Nope. They fought over books put in, fought over books left out and pretty much chose the books that Eusibius wanted because he was Constantine the (not so) Greats right hand man when it came to religion. The same Constantine who made the religious leaders create the Orthodoxy of religion by getting rid of the Arians and the vote there was almost unanimous. Those couple that voted no were exiled from the empire. Hmmm. I wonder why it was almost unanimous. Could it be that people didn’t want to lose their jobs, homes, or lives?

Then I started studying the Bible about the Rapture. That’s a huge belief in the conservative world.  But it just doesn’t fit anywhere in the Bible unless you like to look at your Bible as a pretzel and twist away your doctrine. But hey we can make money with books and movies so let’s keep the deception going…

Those moments kept coming and coming and coming. Especially as I read about the late Roman Empire and its hold over Christianity. One big reason I love the separation of church and state. And while we are being political let us at least acknowledge that the Republican Party has no interest in religion except that it great for getting votes.  The Republican Party is nothing more than a bunch of Pharisees with the Tea Party candidates being their High Priests and you know what Jesus thought of them.

The Democratic Party is not Satan’s tool as I was led to believe either. That was another “lie” that I had to overcome.

I had to learn that Muslims are not evil or setting up the anti-Christ and neither is the pope, most people on welfare are not milking the system, immigrants are people too. Did you know that the earth isn’t 4,000 years old or created in seven 24 hour periods? Ok, those are ones I never believed, but I know people who do.

Soon my naïve beliefs of youth one by one fell off, each one easier and not as noticeable. The rules of the church fell away and were replaced with life and love. My love of God grew, my love of people grew and I learned …….

What about you?

The Tea Party Gospel


I don’t know about you, but I have a big problem with the Tea Party in the United States. I know it’s not actually a party any more but its former members have become so outspoken in the Republican Party that is painful to watch and listen to. They claim to love God and Jesus but they don’t seem to act that way. They seem to use the Bible for their own benefit. (getting elected) So I took some of the Bible and wrote what they seem to be really saying.

  • When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his Tea Party disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They replied, “Some say Bill O’Reilly; others say Rush Limbaugh; and still others, Rick Perry or one of the presidential hopefuls.” “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?” Michele Bachman answered, “You’re the one we use to get votes.” Matthew 16:13-16
  • Guns are our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.
    Ps 46:1
  • For God so loved the United States that whosoever believes in him shall have political and military power over the world. John 3:16
  • And Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always have me, so just ignore them and take care of only the members of your church. Matthew26:11
  • In, 4004 B. C., God created the heavens and the Earth and the dinosaurs roamed with them. Genesis 1:1
  • Let the children come unto me and then send them back to where they came from before they contaminate the chosen people. Matthew 19:14
  • For there is neither Republican nor rich, nor fundamentalist nor NRA member nor straight people no matter how many times you’ve been divorced, for you are the only ones that matter in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28
  • God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number make sure no matter what no one can have an abortion even if it kills them; fill the earth and subdue it. Drill holes, refracting the earth, drain the oil, destroy the forest, kill the animals and pollute all you want cause the earths gonna burn someday anyway. Genesis 1:28
  • For it is by my church attendance that you are saved and that not of yourselves but it is the gift of tithes to the RNC, not of grace, so everyone can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9
  • If I speak in the tongues of non English or of anyone outside The USA I will burn in hell because American English is the language of God. 1 Corinthians 13:1
  • “Tea is the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through Tea.” John 14:6
  • Let every person be subject to the governing authorities unless they are Democrat, then impeach them. For there is no authority except from our idea of God, and those that exist have been instituted by our God or are the anti-Christ.   Romans 13:1
  • “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. And after you were born I turned away and did nothing for you cause we only care if you’re unborn” Jeremiah 1:5
  • Render unto Caesar, Nothing and unto God, Nothing.  Mark 12:17

So how does the Tea Party look to you?

Christian…. Why vote only Republican?


My Country is the world, and my religion is to do good.

Thomas Paine “Father of the revolution”

Many years ago I was asked by a woman in my church, “Who did you vote for?” Without giving me a moment to answer she continued. “You did vote for Bush, after all he is the Republican.”

Well, that got me thinking, “Why do many Christians believe you have to vote only Republican?” This was the way that I grew up but why? The two main issues that are normally stated are abortion and homosexuality. I understand that their reading of the Old Testament condemns homosexuality and so does the book of Romans. Abortion is never outright condemned, but Christians do believe that life is precious and shouldn’t be ended “prematurely” by man. God gives life and only God should take it. (Which makes me wonder why many of these Christians back the death penalty.) It is curious to look at what Jesus says and that he never mentions either of those subjects even though they were happening in his day. Do you think Jesus thought they weren’t all that important of issues?

Furthermore, will Rick Perry , Jeb Bush, Bobby Jidal or Ted Cruz do anything to stop abortion or prevent people from being homosexuals? (like that’s possible)Reagan nor either of the Bush presidencies did much and neither will any of your Republican hopefuls. To me, they simply seem to be using these issues to get elected and therefore using you.

What about the other issues? What about the poor? Jesus often talked about taking care of the poor. What about health care? Is that taking care of the poor? Which party really takes care of the poor people in this country? Which party is trying to get health care to the needy? Which party voted for equal pay for women? Which party wants to raise the minimum wage to help the poor?

What about creation? ( environment) Who passes better legislation or repeals it? Do Christians know which administrations have done the most good or harm for God’s Earth? Or do they both give in to big business and screw creation?

Is not education important to Christians? Is mandating “No child left behind” good or bad? Do you just guess or are you involved in education? What do you know about Common Core and what teachers have to go through? Who cuts help to schools or to libraries? Is that more a Republican or Democratic thing? Do you pay attention?

How about the war? I understand defending your country, but isn’t Jesus the “Prince of Peace?” I also understand defending the weak and helping your neighbor, but is that being accomplished? So, which party will do what is right? Who will start helping people by not bombing another?

Jesus often spoke about the dangers of wealth and power. Are our candidates above this, or corrupted by this? Does either party do anything without consulting the people who gave them the Money to run? Which candidates are in the hands of the Koch brothers? Which are in the hands of Unions? Have you asked these questions?

On this note, what about the deficit? Are we voting for candidates that promote being responsible with our money or those that promote spending more than what we have and running up our governments credit cards and loans? Reagans economic policies of do it now pay for it later taught Americans it’s ok to rack up your credit card bills. It was also responsible for the biggest non war deficit in American history.

What about purity and honesty? Does either party promote this? In my lifetime (40 years) there has been political scandals and corruption associated with every administration. (except maybe Ford) Watergate, Iran Contra, Monica Lewinsky, Spygate to name some of the bigger ones.

Can a person truly say that one party is more Godly than another? Everyone of our presidents has claimed to be a Christian, whether from the Democratic, Republican, Federalist or Whig party. It is clear that most of them were not.

In the past 46 years we have had a Republican president 28 years and a Democrat 18. Is our country more “Godly” or “Christian” because of the leadership of Nixon, Ford, Reagan, or either Bush’s? During the Obama, Clinton and Carter years, did we become less Godly? I don’t think so.

So I ask, why should a Christian vote only Republican? What do you think?


To Mom


October 22, is my mother’s seventy hmmm blah blah birthday. Not supposed to tell a woman’s age right? I and my family owe her a lot. Here are some wonderful things my mom has done for us.

  • Love of children. Mom just loves to play with kids. I do too. I think we are and will always be kids at heart. Maybe that’s why as a pastor I spent most of my time as a youth and children’s minister and now as a teacher I get to play with kids all day.
  • My mom stayed home with all of us kids. I think many kids today miss out on this. Instead of growing up with a parent they grow up with the people at the day care center. I’m glad that my mom stayed home with us even though I know we didn’t have all the latest things. We often got hand me down clothes etc… but to be home with mom is more than worth it. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.
  • Mom loved to cook. I love to eat so we make a good pair. When I went to college, she would fill me up with all the junk food a college boy could want and from time to time would send a resupply box just in case. When I moved away and visited home she would always send an ice chest or two back home with me, the poor bachelor that needed something to eat. I see that she does that for lots of the grandkids now. Just one way to show her love.
  • Prayer: Mom was always up early praying and reading the Bible. She never stops praying for her kids, nor grandkids or great grand kids. Nothing is more important than knowing that your parent prays for you. Again that is yet another way that mom shows her love for each and every one of her kids.
  • Family: For many years my mom snuck around to see her sister who had been banished from the family by my grandmother. Even in the face of banishment if caught, my mom knew that family was important and that doing what was right mattered more than the possible consequence. Maybe that’s why I don’t believe in cutting out people from my life. Because people are important.
  • Mom has no sense of direction, but she gets places. Yes, sometimes dad has to draw a map or take her there first, but she still tries. I married that same person. I have to do the same for my wife as well. Some people would hole up and not go anywhere, but not mom.
  • Mom loves. She dearly loves her family, more than anything in the world and would do anything for any one of us. The Bible says that “these three things remain, Faith, Hope and Love, but the greatest of these is Love” I think mom has all of these things but the greatest thing she has is love.

Understanding the Bible

Finally I can understand the Bible

Recently a friend of mine shared an article about 9 things every Christian should know to understand the Bible. It got me thinking so here is my list.  Whether you are a Christian, casual reader, or Atheist, these 11 simple ideas will help you understand what the Bible is really saying.  Understanding what it meant when it was written is essential to knowing how or if it can be related to today’s issues.

  • What is Jamnia? I went through Bible school and Jamnia was never brought up. Really? It wasn’t even in my text-book! I want my money back. (At least some of it.) Jamnia was the council in 90 CE that kicked the Christians out of Judaism. Up until then Christianity was simply some weird sect of Judaism. So if you read a book taking about church structure or leadership… It was written after Jamnia.
  • Know something about history. The New Testament was written during the early Roman Empire and this influences the authors. They have been through several horrible emperors like Nero, Caligula and Domitian. The philosophy of that era was Hellenism from the Greeks. Romans liked to steal ideas from cultures they conquered and make it their own.  The Old Testament was written in several different era’s. They are the Late Kingdom period, the captivity period, the new Temple period and the apocalyptic period. Learning about the times of the Old Testament is a bit harder because of this but not impossible.
  • Forget chapters. These books and letters were not originally with chapters and verses and many people tend to stop reading at the end of a chapter and believe a new thought is about to happen, when it isn’t. For instance, Genesis Chapters 18 and 19 are one story in which we are supposed to compare and contrast the actions of Abraham and his dealings with strangers and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and they way they dealt with strangers. Instead they are taught as if they have nothing to do with one another.
  • Know the author. Forget tradition when it comes to authorship. Many traditions say that Moses wrote the Torah and disciples wrote much of the New Testament. The Torah was written by at least 4 or 5 separate people or schools of thought and none of the disciples could read or write. Only about five percent of the world could read and write at the time the New Testament was written and they were not fisherman. They were the wealthy and the elite. So just because 1 Peter says “This is from Peter” does not mean it is from Peter the disciple.
  • Know why the book was written. Each book or letter was written for a specific reason and the content of that reason is for that reason. For example, the book of Romans was written because certain members of the Romans church were complaining about “sins” of other Christians in Rome. They are listed in Romans 1. Oops forgot, get rid of chapters. Those sins are listed at the beginning of Romans. Then Paul basically says in the next section, but you also have sins and here they are. That is why later Paul says, “For all have sinned and fallen short…” Paul was saying, don’t judge them take care of yourself, or get that “plank out of your own eye” etc…
  • Who was it intended for? The books of Matthew and Mark were mostly intended for a Jewish audience so understanding the background of Judaism would be good. But much of the New Testament wasn’t. It was written to Gentiles and they had little knowledge of the Old Testament or ways of the Jews. The book of Leviticus was written to people of the late kingdom period or during the exile. Either way it is saying to be holy you must follow these rules and God will take care of you.
  • Learn the types of writings. Especially true of the Proverbs and Psalms. They are NOT to be taken literally. The Psalms are like taking our favorite Hymns or choruses and making a book out of them. They are our Casey Kasems Top 150! They are the authors’ feelings and thoughts about the struggles they are going through.   Nothing more. Proverbs are just that. Simple sayings that are most of the time true. So when we say “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” 22:6. It is not a promise it’s just that most of the time this will happen.
  • Prophetic books are not about the future! Prophecy has come to mean that there is something that is going to happen in the future. That is not what these books are about. They are about telling the people to get their act together. A Prophet is one who speaks the word of God. In other words they tell the people what God needs them to do to live a Godly life. They are not trying to tell a person about something that will happen at the end times. The book of Revelation is about the Roman Empire and it’s persecutions on Christians and how God will take care of those who are pure and have the “right to the tree of life”.
  • Understand the meaning of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem.   In the late 60’s there was a Jewish revolt against the Roman Empire. In 70 CE the Romans destroyed Jerusalem laying waste to the city. The temple was torn down and destroyed. Up until that time the Christian thought was an imminent return of Christ. Then things changed. No Jerusalem to come to, no soon return. You start to get ideas of if Christ should wait 1000 years it’s ok, it’s like a day to god.
  • Understand the tension between the authors. Some authors love Grace and the equality of everyone. (Paul) Some authors want people to live by the rules that they are laying out. (Timothy’s and Titus) It’s the same tension today between the right and left wing of the church. Some want us to follow their rules to make it to heaven and some believe God’s taken care of that already, just love one another.
  • Question everything!  Jesus questioned the authorities and so should you.

Hope this will help you understand the Bible a little better.